Bronze head from an over life-sized
statue of Augustus (Meroe Head)
Roman, probably made in Egypt about 27-25 BC, found at Meroe, Sudan
- Statues and coins were an important part of
imperial propaganda, so the head has glass and stone eyes to make it
look more realistic and powerful. It seems to have been made for
insertion into a statue or bust of a different material, probably stone.
The head was taken during a raid on Aswan in the Roman province of Egypt
by the army of the
Kingdom of Kush, a powerful state to the south of Egypt, in present day
Sudan. It was then ritually buried in front of a temple in the Kushite
capital at Meroe.
This was intended as a sign of triumph over the Roman empire and a sign
of huge disrespect to its emperor, but by a twist of fate the burial of
the head ultimately preserved it.